Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jukebox & Media Sharing Terminal

I was thinking whether it is a great idea to put a jukebox inside a bus. Since I frequently travel by bus, most of the time I plug in my earphones and listening to my mp3 player. Obviously I am not alone because others are also doing it and how wonderful it would be if all of us passengers are listening to the same song together. I know that there exist something called radio to which what we passengers hear are the radio channel picked by either the driver or the conductor but having a jukebox means that the passengers can share the song of their choice with other passenger thus strengthening the bond between them a bit. They might even sing along song together.

Putting a jukebox in a bus might not be one good enough idea but what if we put a media sharing terminal instead. The passengers can share their multimedia collection with each other and even download songs or other media from the terminal to their phones or laptops at a reasonable price.
It is hard to implement this idea on a transit transport but we might be able to pull this off on long distance public transports such as express bus or trains.

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